This four hour on-line, on-demand course is a deep dive into the laws and techniques for both pursuing and defending freight claims...

TransportLawTexts specializes in books and other educational materials relating to transportation law and the laws governing the supply chain.
Our most popular texts are as follows:
Motor Carrier Contracts Annotated, Second Edition is a contract form book with four complete contract templates designed for easy use by shippers and their...
Read MoreAs the legal issues become more technical and complex, there has been a continuing effort to retain the focus of the original book as a readable, useful reference...
Read MoreIt is the only text covering the laws, regulations and court decisions governing transportation and logistics in the current deregulated environment under one...
Read MoreBrent Wm. Primus began his legal career investigating auto accidents while still in high school. He received his Juris Doctorate in 1973 from...
Read MoreLaurel E. Learmonth, J.D., is a shareholder in Primus Law Office, P.A. She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1974 and William...
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